This contrasts his "brother", Vegetto, who displays the levity that Gokū is known for, twisted into a sardonic sense of humor that stems from Vegeta. In battle, he is able to be completely serious, and is a strong, silent fighter. He has also inherited Gokū's polite mannerisms, addressing Whis respectfully with the "-san" honorific. When he was "born", Gogeta deliberately took the time to craft his name - figuring it would be 'cooler' if he had a name - in spite of Piccolo's insistence that he hurry, and it was only after he settled on a name different from Vegetto that he finally went to the battlefield. Gogeta seems to have inherited more of his personality from Gokū, being an individual that is laid back and casual, though he has the seriousness of Vegeta to balance this out. Like his counterpart, Vegetto, he inherits the memories of both Gokū and Vegeta.

Gogeta, as a fusion of Gokū and Vegeta, is a composite being that exhibits their personality traits.