You should see that the details of the PFP are highlighted in the inspect window. Then hover your mouse to the Discord profile picture of the user and click it. In the inspect window, you can click the icon at the top-left corner (the icon looks like a square with a mouse in it). Alternatively, if you are using Discord in a browser, you can also right-click the profile picture of the target user and choose Inspect Element to open the inspect window.

In the pop-up user profile window, you can then press Ctrl + Shift + I to open the inspect window. Hover your mouse on the profile of the user and click View Profile. Click the profile of the target user in Discord. Read More How to Save or Download Discord Profile Picture in Full Size The recommended Discord server logo size is 512 x 512 px. Discord also lets you zoom in or zoom out the profile picture.

Still, you can also change the part of the image you want to display. If you upload a picture larger than the default maximum size, Discord will shrink it for you. However, you can upload whatever size picture as long as it is a 1:1 ratio. The recommended Discord profile picture size is 128 x 128 px. What is the recommended size for uploading the Discord profile picture? How to download Discord profile picture in full size? Where can you download Discord PFP GIFs? This post provides detailed guides. When you use Discord app to communicate with others in playing games, you may want to set a preferred profile picture for your Discord account.